This year marks my fourth season working as part of the dogskin team. There isn't a day that passes where I don't stop and think how truly fortunate I am to be counted amongst the lucky few who can honestly say that they love what they do for a living. Fishing, hunting, and people have always been my greatest passions in life and I can't see that changing any time soon.
If you're as obsessed with fishing as I am, you probably get out a lot but it is this time of year with open water walleye and pike season fast approaching where I really start to get excited! I've come to realize that as much as I truly love fishing, the best part about the sport transcends the personal satisfaction of the catch. Surely I hope to catch a few masters of my own this season, but the best moments come from the comraderie between anglers sharing their passion and taking time to enjoy the simpler things in life that are all too easily lost amidst honking horns and tight deadlines.
Over the years, I have had the pleasure of making so many great friends from all across the country and I am very thankful to be included in your fishing adventures. Last season was pretty tough to beat with plenty of monster northerns and lunker walleyes landed but as always, I promise to do my best to put you on top of the fish of a lifetime. Although master angler fish are never a sure thing, I guarantee you we will have one heck of a good time trying. In the meantime, let's get pumped up with a few pics from the 2013 season...
Your Friend, And Guide,
Matt Sobiera
Logan's River Monster
Dave with 1 of 2 Masters he caught on his trip
Logan with another beauty!
Miss King with her 41 1/4" Master- Last cast before shore lunch
Miss King with an Honest 27.5"